Story Ideas

Story Ideas

Inspiring content and ideas for stories from the island of Ireland


Whiskey galore in the home of the ‘water of life’

The most quintessential of Irish drinks is now enjoying a big renaissance.

8 splendid Irish castles and manors to lay your head for the

Crown an Irish vacation with a stay in one of the island’s magnificent castles or stately homes.

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Come home to discover your Irish ancestry

Are you one of the 70 million people around the world claiming Irish ancestry?

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Top 10 heritage gems in Ireland’s Ancient East

Here are the top attractions you must visit.

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Fall under Cork’s busy, attractive and artsy charm

Ireland’s vibrant second city is a rare mix of cosmopolitan sophistication and laid back charm.

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The Skellig Islands – on the edge of the world

Ireland’s islands are worlds unto themselves and none more so than the history-rich, natural wonders that are the Skelligs.

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